This story is written by Cat, co-owner of Marnei Mare, and friend of Sun of a Beach who is forever in love with Samos!
“I had a strange dream last night” I told my barista. “I was a sea urchin. I was approached by a dark handsome urchin who asked me to dance.” “ Sea Urchins can’t dance!” he exclaimed while pouring froth into my coffee. “… It seems that you need a holiday young lady.” He told me. He was right. I really needed some sun and my favorite beach.
Next thing I know, I was on a flight to the island of Samos, driving past the Temple of Hera, the port of Pythagorion and the Eupalinian Aqueduct, heading straight to Potami beach, where the water is refreshingly crisp and Hippy’s beach bar is serving cocktails and delicious food all day.
I took out my burgundy “Just Urchin” Sun of a Beach towel, which I was told represents the female urchins, those with the delicious eggs. I was all alone, but was consoled by the softness of the large towel, and remembered my dream. The sun was strong and the beach so quiet so I fell asleep at the sound of the waves.
I woke up in the shade, as a tall man was standing above my head blocking my sun. He smiled. It took me a couple of seconds to recognize my old friend from the island. “Can I lye next to you?” he asked, and pulled out a black “Just Urchin” Sun of a Beach towel out of his backpack. “Of course you may, but first lets have a swim till the Pounta bay, to catch up with news.”
We left our male and female “Just Urchin” Sun of a Beach towels behind, and stood with our feet in the water looking into the horizon towards Chios. We looked at each other, held hands and dove into the blue sea.
When we returned to our Sun of a Beach towels there was a surprise waiting for us. Apostolis, the owner of Hippy’s tavern, had prepared a tray of delicacies. Urchin eggs, home made bread and ouzo…
Oh! “I am in heaven” I thought, and sat on my towel to enjoy the meze. I turned to the young man, and said: “will you take me dancing tonight?”
This story was inspired by the “Just Urchin” beach towels
By Ellie Rountos, Author
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